I really love carrying my son around in a wrap. I can put him on my back in less than a minute and he is happy on my back for about an hour or so while I do whatever needs to be done. We can mop floors, go shopping, plant daffodils in the backyard, go for a walk, or any number of things. And he loves to be on my back and be able to see things from a different perspective. He espcially likes it when I turn on the Kitchen Aid mixer. Silly boy.
This picture is from a Halloween festival we went to. It was really muddy outside and a stroller would not have worked well going up and down steps, over the muddy grass and manuvering around tons of little kids.
I'd say more than half the time we go out I find it easier to have him in the Mei Tai than in the stroller. I also find that he is better behaved in the Mei Tai. He is usually pretty quiet, looking around and taking it all in.
And the most common question I get is, how the heck do you get him up there? This is the method I use the most often. I feel I have the best hold on him while wrapping and there's no danger of him slipping off my back while I'm tying the straps.
Every once in a while I will wear him in front of me. It's not a very convenient hold to get stuff done since he tends to be in the way, but it's a great way to take a sick baby to the Doctors. He feels snug and secure and I can have my hands free to get out my insurance card.
When he is sick I also use a hold where I place him tummy to tummy with me and put bot his legs out of the same side of the wrap. I can't get much done this way, but it gives my arms a break from holding him when he wants to be held 24/7. It's also a lifesaver when you end up sleeping sitting up in a chair holding a sick little one.
And last but not least, here is a picture of Doodlebug just after hunting for the perfect Christmas tree in the Mei Tai. He always grins like that when I get him out.
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